Atomic Structure: a fun word search puzzle for HS Chemistry



“~ Atomic Structure Word Search Puzzle ~
This word search puzzle can help your students learn and enhance their vocabulary, as well as strengthened memory of and ability to recall terms in Atomic Structure topic.

Word-search puzzle is a great handout to students on days you are not in school or days you just don’t feel like lecturing. Yeah..we all have those days :-).

Make it a fun game or competition!!

Option 1:
Ask students to find as many of the listed elements as they can in the time period that you set. When time is up, ask students to add up all their points to see who got the most.

Option 2:
Conceal the list of the elements given. Ask student to find as many words as they can in the amount of time that you set. When they find a word, they should write the word down. When time is up, read the given words (from the list) in each point category, and ask students to note appropriate point next to each word they wrote down.
They can add up all their points to see who got the most.

Please Check out and preview all of my Atomic Structure Products.

Atomic Structure 7-Product Bundle Saver This bundle contains the following products.

1) Atomic Structure: Guided Reading and Notes

2) Atomic Structure: Multiple Choice Question Sets

3) Atomic Structure: Worksheet Sets

4) Atomic Structure: Quick Study Guide and Review

5) Atomic Structure: Interactive 2-Round Jeopardy Game

6) Atomic Structure: Word search Puzzle

7) Atomic Structure: Flash / Study Cards


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