120 PPT Slides – Organic Chemistry Teaching Notes – Distance Learning



~Organic Compounds and Reactions PPT Teaching Notes –

120 Slides of Notes and Questions

  • Excellent teaching notes for teachers
  • Great self-guided reading for students

5 Essential Lessons for High School Chemistry ~NYS Regents Standards~

  • Properties of Organic Compounds
  • Hydrocarbon Compounds: Alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes
  • Functional Group Compounds: Halides, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, organic acid, esters, ethers, amines, and amides
  • Isomers
  • Organic Reactions: addition, substitution, fermentation, combustion, saponification, and polymerization

31 Pop Quiz Question Slides

Tons of Examples of Identifying, Naming, and Drawing Organic Compounds

This product covers just about everything there is to teach and learn in a high-school-level organic chemistry unit.

The Zip Folder Product Download contains files for the five lessons in

PPT Show and Editable PPT presentation

  • You can now edit my PPT notes if you want.
  • Change slide background
  • Add or remove notes

The preview has about 20 Slides. Please preview. Thanks

This is my new PowerPoint teaching and guided reading note product. It has been revised and enhanced to better support in-class, virtual, distance, or hybrid learning.

My PowerPoint Slide Notes is written with the following features

for effective teaching and enhancing students’ learning and understanding.

Learning Objectives and Goals

  • Clearly listed and well-defined to start each lesson
  • One set of objectives provides students with specific concept terms they will learn, and they should remember and be able to define.
  • Another set of objectives provides students with specific skill tasks they will learn, and they should be able to do on their own

Big Bold Heading of Concept on Each Slide

  • Clearly indicates the chemistry concept presented or explained on the slide

Bulleted Outline

  • Animated and appears on click
  • Provides and highlights key information students need to know
  • As a Teaching Note for Teachers
  • Not too wordy so you can teach it and not read it to student
  • Allows you to add your voice and additional notes when teaching
  • Easy and quick to copy down by students
  • As a Reading Note for Students
  • A quick read for students
  • Simple and understandable for students of all skill levels

Images, Diagrams, and/or Tables on Most Slides

  • Help teachers show, emphasize, or explain materials better
  • Help students relate, see, and understand the materials better
  • Boost student’s ability to learn and retain the materials
  • Support and encourage visual learners

POP Quiz Questions

  • Pop-up questions to students on materials that were just presented to them
  • Easily answered by students who are paying attention
  • Provide quick assessment of attentiveness and understanding
  • Engage students and encourage them to pay more attention and
  • Questions can pop up between lesson slides and at the end of a lesson

Several Example Problems with Solutions

  • Provides students with examples to follow to answer similar questions or perform similar skill activities
  • Always with clear guided step-by-step solutions
  • Easy-to-follow and understand

Slide Background

  • Not too dark, not too white, and not too colorful
  • Great if you need to add notes as you teach
  • Easy on the Eyes

My resources follow the New York Regents curriculum. Some questions require the use of NYS Chemistry Reference Tables 2011 Edition. Click to access and download.


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